How to convert DVD
Video to a single CD
by PowerKiller
This tutorial try to explain how to rip a DVD to a single CD. The final
file will be a AVI with MPEG4 Compression for Video and MP3 Compresssion
for Audio.
I. Rip Process
1. Rip the video to AVI MPEG4.
To do this there is 2 possiblities, i
will explain the most easier way to do it!
Get PowerRipper 1.6 and the Windows Media Producer to install the MPEG4
Codec v3 compressor
Launch the PowerRipper
From PowerRipper launch PowerDVD
Open the DVD Video
Push Pause button on start of movie
In PowerRipper configure frame number to 25 if PAL and 30 if NTSC
To find how many frame you have to capture see the duration in minutes
multiply it by 60 to get second and by 25 if PAL or 30 if NTSC, ex. for 2
hour 30 minutes you got 150min*60sec*25fps for pal = 216000 frames.
Push Select Codec Button
In Select Codec Menu choose Microsoft MPEG4 v3
Click on configure
Put the crispness to 100 (maximum at right)
And the Bitrate to 950
Click OK
Click Begin
2. Rip the Audio to MP3.
To do this there is 2 possiblities, i
will explain both of them cause there are easy.
a. Record wav file from the DVD
Get Total Recorder
Launch it and push the record button
Start playing your DVD in your DVD Player
When it's finish save the file
b. Rip with DVDRip.
Launch DVD Rip and Xing from it!
Select Separate file
Select Audio only
Select Wave format
Play the movie in Xing
Start Rip in DVD Rip
In both case you get a wav file convert it to mp3 wav riff format using MP3
Producer or XingMP3 Encoder
II. Multiplex the Audio and the Video
This is the only way that I find when
i was talkin with a very nice person on #pcdvd IRC! It's difficult so
follow the instruction and I put some screenshot!
Launch GraphEdit
From here i write exactly what do you have to do!
Click on Graph Menu
Select Insert Filters
Click on the + to open DirectShow Filters
Click on File Source (Async)
Select the avi file
Click on AVI Splitter
Click on AVI Mux
Click on File Writer
Give a filename to the final AVI ex. output.avi
Click on AVI/WAV File Source
Select the WAV file (encoded in MP3)
Close the Insert Filters Windows
Link between output of File Source (Async) and input of Avi Splitter
Link between output of AVI Splitter and input of AVI Mux
Link between output of Avi Mux and input of File Writer
Link between output of AVI/WAV File Source and the second input in AVI Mux
Click on the play button
Finish Now you get a AVI MPEG4/MP3 File !
III. Burn your file in a CD
Use any CD Burning program you wish
to burn the file!!!