Chat Room
One of the redirects I use offers a http client IRC. It operates using the same protocols as #pcdvd. It gives you something to do while guzzling files. It sits down at the bottom of your screen, type /nick “yourname here” to change your name from guest38129 to whatever. It does have some bugs though. Don’t use the scroll arrows on the right side. It totally screws the app up. Other than that it works pretty well. The number of users it displays is wrong. I’ve seen it say 8 and look at the server and there are 60. Now, we do have one other problem. Someone has caused the script to display other things in the header. I don’t know how. I commend the person who did this on their ingenuity. Please, put whatever you want there, just get off the penis kick. Try to say something meaningful not just vulgar. At least be creative. I did not write this client nor is it on my server. I can’t exactly email them and say”Hey can you take a look at my warez site, it’s having problems” now can I?
Freak / Bonkers4ip